11 definitions by BigBird1017

Specialty frankfurters encased in a skin, resembling a foreskin, with a center of cream cheese, which becomes runny when the frank is hot. To properly consume a Barney's Frank, the diner should first suck the cream cheese out of the frank, then stuff the entire frank down their throat. These franks can only be found in discriminating meat markets in the tenderloin districts of the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC or Boston, MA.
Capitol Page #1: Let's go get some Barney's Franks for lunch!
Capitol Page #2: Yeah, Sabrette's on First Street NE has them!!
by BigBird1017 April 9, 2008
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a penis reminiscent of Bill Gates....it's Micro and Soft
After gym class, Grant always showered with his shorts on...he had a Bill Gates pecker.
by BigBird1017 March 20, 2008
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a fiasco, a total screw up, a downWRIGHT disaster
When I shouted out my old girlfriend's name on my honeymoon night, it was an Obamanation!
by BigBird1017 May 2, 2008
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Jesse Jackson's pronounciation of the greatest baseball player of all time!
Henry Aaron hit more home runs than Beirut!
by BigBird1017 March 2, 2008
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A generic reference to retail stores which gay men frequent, such as The Pottery Barn, Michael's, and all antique stores.
Bruce and Lance always go shopping Saturday morning at the Homo Depot.
by BigBird1017 March 21, 2008
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A popular area in Washington, DC, home to George Washington University. Not to be confused with Faggy Bottom, an area in Washington, DC near Dupont Circle!
To get to GWU, take the Metro Orange Line to the Foggy Bottom station.

To get to Faggy Bottom, take the Metro Red Line to Dupont Circle.

by BigBird1017 April 1, 2008
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A newly-discovered form of leukemia, found in the barnyard, great horned, and spotted owls of Tennessee. Researchers believe it is the result of excessive, high-voltage transmissions from the many, many electrical lines required to service the mansion of Internet-inventor Albert Gore, Jr. Attempts to cure the disease via owl chemotherapy have been foiled by the environmentally-destructive, polluting effects of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's large, fuel-guzzling personal jet. Due to the rapidly-declining owl population in Tennessee, the rats have grown in size and number, and are threatening to take over the state capitol in Nashville.
Al Gore is to blame for destroying the environment by causing owl gore. Yesterday, I saw a rat as fat as Al....he was driving a pick-up truck with a Hussien Obama for President bumper sticker!
by BigBird1017 April 20, 2008
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