30 definitions by BiG Daddy

In a hockey fight when you reach around behind an opponent, grab his jersey and pull it up over his head, thereby covering his eyes so you can punch his freakin' lights out.
"Did you see Tie Domi jersey that guy in the Leaf game last night?"
by BiG Daddy April 28, 2004
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A word to describe the drunkenness of young adults of the sydney region. A word created by the 'Big Daddy' himself.
"Rez, lets get ickles tonight"

by BiG Daddy April 4, 2013
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1.) being invisible
2.) a ghost

urban legend:

a woman who can turn to the side and disappear
1.) i'm not sure who broke into our house, it's like he was farheen

2.) "hey, did you hear about that new show, casper the friendly farheen?"

urban legend story
one day, a young girl, average weight, slept in her room at night. it has been said farheen turned to the side, and snuck into her room through the window cracks and killed the woman due to weight jealousy.

beware the farheen.
by BiG Daddy March 29, 2005
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To stay somewere when someone says to skedaddle
Boy 1 "Skedaddle"
Boy 2 "Naw ima Staydaddle"
by BiG Daddy January 25, 2013
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Someone who is punk or is a bitch about shit
syop being a bitch ass trik nd do it.
by BiG Daddy March 24, 2005
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