3 definitions by Benito Carmelo

A puertorrican slang use to say "fat chick" or " fat girl" . normally is some girl that is fat and is dressing sexy.
""Hay la gorda....q le gusta fumar tambien; budusca!!""
by Benito Carmelo March 29, 2005
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A person in which either or both parents are puertorricans and their son or daughter was born and raise or raise in New York and they claim themselves puertorricans.
ASK these questions:
- Have you been to the island? NO
- Can you dance salsa, merengue etc? NO
- Can you cook our food? NO
- Can you speak spanish? NO
by Benito Carmelo March 29, 2005
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Is merengue style of dance that is done by shaking your whole body really fast. Song performed by Toño Rosario.
by Benito Carmelo March 29, 2005
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