4 definitions by Beholderface

What happens to someone when they are killed. Often turned into a meme among people who enjoy the Fate series(Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha, etc).
Hey, what is death?

It's what happens to someone when they are killed.
by Beholderface January 18, 2018
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A usually inorganic object which looks like a plant. Most often made of some sort of plastic.
"I'm going to water this plant!"
"No dude, that's a FAKE Plant!"
by Beholderface January 26, 2018
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A school bus driver different from your usual one. Commonly not very good at their job, or with no idea how to use the GPS.
"this substitute driver is completely inept"
by Beholderface September 26, 2017
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"No, ZUUL is best girl, not your loli shit."
by Beholderface September 15, 2017
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