18 definitions by Basscrack

The assholiest teacher in the whole school. Nobody wants to be a Miss Walker.
Man I got detention for breathing in class. Thanks a lot

Ms. Walker!
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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Yo man I got these bocks over here. Could you help me pack?
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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This is what happens to you when you do something so over-the-top gay. That people don't like you anymore.
Did you hear about that kid who sucked the teachers dick. He's instagay now!
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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You can't act gay for all of may
Yo bro I heard Fernando lost no gay may after he decided to sing Beyonce at the talent show!
by Basscrack November 12, 2019
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