18 definitions by Basscrack

Bass Crack

The area below the bass but before the ass crack
it was so hot i could feel the sweat in my bass crack
by Basscrack April 13, 2023
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Your mom's your bro

(kid who's mom is actually a hoe)
Hey man your mom's your bro!
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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It's when you just did a line of crack and then masturbated after.
Yo he just cracksturbated and nutted everywhere!
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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The area where the lower back and the ass cheeks meet
Dude, Jennifer's bass was out... and it was so sexy.

I fell down the stairs and bruised my bass.
by Basscrack April 13, 2023
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Genie peenie

I found this bottle on the beach the other day. And some naked genie came out. he had a monster genie peenie!
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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Gay corn

Corn that is a flamer af
That's some gay corn.
by Basscrack November 12, 2019
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Jizzing January

The whole month is devoted to jizzing everywhere. pretty much the opposite of no nut November.
by Basscrack November 13, 2019
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