45 definitions by Bak Hyemi

A store where buying something for you or your family/friends
me buy luxlait at auchan for homecafe
by Bak Hyemi April 8, 2022
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When you bored on Italian keyboard as hell

\1234567890'ìqwertyuiopè+asdfghjklòàùzxcvbnm that's will be it
by Bak Hyemi December 8, 2022
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episode game was made for 5 year olds that you wanted to be crazy for sex or whatever that is

also fyi, episode game ads was weird than unexpected

if you like episode game, well you might good but don't show it to your family because it might be worst
Great, Anna is being addicted to episode game, so i would never give del monte vinamilk iq smart to Anna
by Bak Hyemi September 16, 2022
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Best interactive story game ever that makes us more happy and fun
Person 1: What are you playing
Person 2: Journeys
Person 1: Who made it
Person 2: It was the other guys but gameloft owns it for now
Person 1: Isn't horror game
Person 2: No, it's interactive series game
Person 1: I might try that game
Person 2: Yes you can install it for free
Person 1: Thanks, now i will being into freetime on journeys yay
by Bak Hyemi September 8, 2022
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Taiwan's no.1 subscribed youtube channel
Haru: What are you watching
Kim: Me watching Vidol TV on youtube while i wait for ordering my food
by Bak Hyemi May 7, 2022
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