6 definitions by BDD

1. n: A fanatical Canadian who wants to take over the world in the name of Canada.
2. n: Brainwashed Canadian who loves the Canadian government.
3. adj: One who displays darigaaz-like characteristics.
1. Take over the world for Canada? What are you, a darigaaz?
2. Of course he liked the Prime Minister's speech. He's such a darigaaz.
3. He wants Candian domination...he's so darigaaz!
by BDD February 6, 2003
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"I r0xx0r!"
"The Bucs really r0xx0red the Raiders this year."
by BDD February 5, 2003
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Rice wrapped in a grape leaf and covered in a delicious oil dressing. Excellent Greek cuisine, often served as an appetizer.
Man, just give me some more of those dolmades...hell yeah!
by BDD February 5, 2003
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noun: Pit fighter of Otaria from Magic: The Gathering. Looks like Stone Cold Steve Austin, becomes a druid.
Everyone thinks Kamahl is so cool, but even an Eage Cadet can kill him!
by BDD February 5, 2003
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1. Misetinger who can't spell and can often be a real jackass, but is sometimes cool.
Your spelling is almost as bad as badguy's!
by BDD February 5, 2003
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you're attacking a girl from behind, when you start ramming her head against the wall in a rhythmic motion.
by BDD August 22, 2003
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