4 definitions by Arthur Drood

While strategically whipping a girl around your bed into different positions, you use her long, flowing hair to soak up other previous cum stains so you can delay washing your sheets for an extended period of time.
Tony: "What happened last night? Pepper came out with her hair looking all stiff as if she was in There's Something About Mary."

Bill: "Ya, after the first round I realized I needed to clean that up or I was gonna have to wash my sheets the next day, so I just gave her the Memphis Mop Head and I should be good for like another week with these sheets."
by Arthur Drood February 6, 2013
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To use a public bathroom without ever being a customer because your colon is about 90 seconds from blowing out. Dropping Wild Deuces usually involves little to no eye contact. At most, the person throwing down will shrug their shoulders evoking a head shake from the employee.
Manager: "Have you seen the guy in the red hat?"

Employee: "Yeah - he dropped Wild Deuces then high-tailed it for the door. When I asked if he needed any help, he just said 'I'm good' without ever making eye contact."

Manager: "Sh*t - again! Wild Deuces again! I'm going to go to his house, drop Wild Deuces, and then just leave without ever saying 'hi' to his wife or anything."
by Arthur Drood February 3, 2016
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When a girl does something so dirty yet terrific at the same time that it blows your fucking mind.
Brad: Dude what happened with that girl from the bar?

Chris: Duuude - she started clapping her ass cheeks, then I started clapping my hands...then I got the clap. It was absolutely whore-rrific
by Arthur Drood April 20, 2016
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When a male performs anal on one girl one day, to have vaginal sex with another girl 4 days later while never taking a shower because they are a dirty hippie and giving the latter a UTI/Gonorrhea.
Mark: "Dude, I fucked Rachel last week and definitely gave her the Memphis Double-Dip."

Gary: "Seriously....I bet she's like....pissed."

Mark: "Oh ya bro, she totally won't let me have sex with her again unless, as she said 'gives me a taste of my own medicine' and fucks some other guy and pisses on me........probably let her do it.......she was a really good lay."
by Arthur Drood March 7, 2013
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