25 definitions by Aqxer

Within the context of music, the term "sus" refers to suspended chords — cases in which the third of a chord is replaced with a perfect fourth or major second.
Person 1: "Hey, what the hell is a 'ඞ', and why are you using it to label your sus chords?"
Person 2: "amogus"
Person 1: "We're cutting you off."
by Aqxer June 8, 2021
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to suffer from a cliché seen in creepypastas
If a video's been pastafied, it's either trolling or deadly.
by Aqxer June 7, 2014
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Fighting game terminology.
Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter are inherently shotos. Calling another character a shoto is essentially comparing them to Ryu and Ken.
Typically, "shoto" means having equivalents to the Hadoken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Senpukpaku. However, main characters and gi-wearing characters are also sometimes put under the label.
Person 1: "Goddammit they added another shoto to Smash Bros."
Person 2: "No, that's a Mishima"
Person 1: "They're a punchy mcpunchguy it counts stfu"
by Aqxer June 24, 2021
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Okay. why the fuck is this ad literally 30 minutes long?!!?
by Aqxer January 9, 2019
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Person 1: "Hey, what's an Underlust?"
Person 2: "Do you know what Men in Black is?"
Person 1: "No, what does that have to-"
Person 2: *puts on shades* "I can explain everything, but first, I'll need you to look into this tiny light."
by Aqxer June 15, 2021
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another le funny tumblr meme where someone intentionally acts stupid
officialunitedstates: "FACT OF THE DAY: zebrasstripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange"
(officialunitedstates presents a picture of a tiger.)\
throwing-lego: "this is a giraffe"
by Aqxer June 24, 2021
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