5 definitions by Anonymous12

Used to describe someone who has the hairstyle of a damn rave.
by Anonymous12 June 14, 2022
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One of the top rated games on miniclip, it is highly addictive. An alien by the name of joe goes to three different locations and picks up different life forms.
by Anonymous12 April 18, 2006
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Another name for marijuana created by Chicago Public School students. Commonly used as one kid tries to get his 'weed' sales on.
announced in the hallway at school Yo, I got that Kill Bill!!!
by Anonymous12 April 12, 2006
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Putting a water bottle or any other form of liquid holding container in a girls pussy
Steve: Hey did you get your new p-cup holder?
Bob: Ye i shoved it in her last night
by Anonymous12 February 10, 2021
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