2350 definitions by Anonymous

a close friend, someone who is awesome as well
That phrogg has got some kickass gator boots and a pimped out gucci suit
by Anonymous March 26, 2003
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An American political stance characterized by the belief that abortions constitute murder. Currently, America has legal abortions available to those who want and can afford them. Persons of the pro-life platform wish for abortion to be illegal. Compare to pro-choice
President Bush is pro-life.
by Anonymous November 15, 2003
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short for life of bung....On the first day Vincent created the term Life of Bung....On the Second day, Raybird created the acronym "LOB"....pronounced like the tennis shot.....After his third Fresca and Gin, Otis, in his "clever" carroll county way, merged/condensed this entire concept into a new word: bife...in fact, there was a new phrase created by his otisness, Life of Bife (meaning Life of Life of Bife). Thanks for you contribution to the english language otis.
my life is bife
by Anonymous May 13, 2003
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Australian military slang for soft drinks/soda pop.
I could do with a goffa you got any cokes left?

Fred has piles of goffas at least a slab of coke and one of sprite
by Anonymous May 12, 2003
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