3 definitions by Anonymous ッ

1) A vulgar way to refer to women's genitals .

2) A person regarded as stupid or obnoxious .

3) In British English, to hit or punch someone.
'Yesterday I went to the gynecologist to have my twat checked'

'I can't stand her, she is a twat'

'I want to twat her, but I also don't want to get in trouble'
by Anonymous ッ October 27, 2019
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When someone listens to CupcakKe's songs and CupcakKe's songs only (most preferably the old ones)
-Do you got taste in music?
-Yeah, 🎶Hump me, fuck me
Daddy better make me choke (you better)🎶
by Anonymous ッ October 10, 2020
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When you do the dirty with a girl telematically like God did to The Virgin Mary.
Now that we live in quarantine, it's hard to fuck physically with someone so a friend of mine used his superpowers to do a Dirty Mary to her horny girlfriend Mary.
by Anonymous ッ October 10, 2020
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