2 definitions by Annika Derp

Tae'junai is a loving smart-ass who loves to draw. Though very stupid, she's smart in her own way. She'll be the first one to find vomit on the staircase, and to hunt down that 6 year old Tinkerbell comforter you both have. Addicted to computer games like Roblox and Pony-town, never pass her up. A great friend who'll stab you with pencils in art class, and doubt you when you say her boyfriend is a total asshole. She won't believe you until she gets dumped. A total freak overall, and don't spazz when she comes to school wearing cut up dresses.
Person 1: "Omg that girl is so weird! look at her hair!"
Person 2: "She is SUCH a Tae'junai!"
by Annika Derp October 16, 2019
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An Annika is beautiful; and usually thinks highly of herself at certain times. Constantly drawing; though usually during art block. She's extremely competitive, and is an asshole at times, getting deeper into the video-games and competing with her few friends. She spends her time playing the shooter game Phantom Forces and joking with her best friends, who are usually boys. Most people think of her as a child butch, because of her behavior and style. Also people think of her as autistic as she wears turtle earmuffs wherever she goes. She shows her love through petty insults and Indian rug burns- which is why she constantly loses her friends. She may look like she has no regret and a complete sociopath and psychopath, because of her chaotic evil and the constant urge to kill people in her weekly game of Dungeons And Dragons, though when losing a dear friend for an unknown reason; She will cry herself to sleep each night, and blame herself for everything that went wrong.Don't pass up an Annika, she's definitely an extrovert, and like stealing peoples hats. Be on the look out for some wicked burns, jeans, and ratty turtle earmuffs. (Since she's been wearing them for four and 1/2 years) P.S. If you see this, apologize to any Owens you know
Friend: "You suck at this Annika!"
Annika: "No I don't, you just cheat!"

Annika: "I suck at this! Why am I so bad at everything?!"
Lost Friend: *utter confusion*
by Annika Derp October 1, 2019
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