12 definitions by Angus the SuperDuck

A band composed of Deryck Whibley (Bizzy D) on vocals, piano(occasionally, and rythmn guitar, Cone on bass a few times on vocals, Dave Baksh (Brownsound or Hot Chocolate) on guitar and vocals, and Steve Jocz (Stevo32) on drums and a few vocals. They were formed 41 days into the summer creating the band name Sum41.
They are not the greatest band on earth, but they are pretty good. They continue to become better with each album and more serious. They are not punk, but the y have been slowly moving into a more political type of band from their early days as a blabbermouth brat SoCal band from Ajax, Ontario.
Brownsound is a very good guitarist in my opinion, with raging solos, and Stevo32 can spaz out on the drums for what seems hours. Cone seems to be a good bassist on the solos sometimes given to him, and Bizzy D does well on backup guitar and can sing well on actual singable songs.
They experiment with different styles at times and have full songs of just instrumental or mainly instrumental.
They are wrongly placed in alternative and as punk. They are really neither- they have their own style which is hard to label since they have changed so quickly within their four albums (Half Hour of Power, All Killer No Filler, Does This Look Infected, and Chuck). To prove this furthermore, they made a documentary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in doing so almost died. Not typical of your SoCal bands like Good Charlotte and Simple Plan.
They do not deserve all the fans that they have which do not really recognize how well they can play and just like them for their looks. They aren't that good-looking anyway and caring about a band just for their looks is shallow. Sum41 doesn't deserve that. They are too great for that.
Girl: OMG! Cone is sooo hot! I love sum41!
Me: He's not really that- augh. Anyway, what's your favorite song?
Girl: Umm, I don't really know any.
Me: That's sad. I am so sad to share the same music genre as you, you shallow, sad little girl.
by Angus the SuperDuck April 3, 2005
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Nickname for graffitti.
Girl: Let's go graff up the school tonight.
Boy: Sure, I'll get the spraypaint.
by Angus the SuperDuck June 10, 2005
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Something the U.S. loves to drop on innocent countries.
by Angus the SuperDuck August 24, 2005
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Dropping out of the middle of a race without seeing the wonderful things between there and the end.
My friend commited suicide and I miss him so.
by Angus the SuperDuck June 22, 2005
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To pull off an item of clothing in an outfit. Came from complete lazyness of saying the full phrase and just blurting out a random word.
"Look at this tye-dye shirt I just got!"
"Hm, you could pax it with those jeans."
by Angus the SuperDuck February 12, 2006
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