15 definitions by Andy Sword

A curious phenomenon whereby an individual will find themselves (in) a job or profession, involving activities and duties contrary to their personalities and preferences - such as a hotelier who has no liking or even patience for people.
My kid's teacher seems to hate children! Fawlty Syndrome, who could explain it?
by Andy Sword February 16, 2011
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A sickeningly sentimental and exclusive too-close friendship 'twixt two adult females.
Jeez, Deborah and Lisa's pukey we-hate-men hoe-mance makes my teeth itch!
by Andy Sword June 21, 2016
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Unlike all previous definitions, a true avatard is someone who lacks the IT savvy to upload an avatar to a web page or forum.

(intro post)

Hi guys, just joined, great to be on board :o) But can anyone tell me how to put a picture on my account thingy?

(sneering reply)


by Andy Sword April 9, 2009
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A pathological state of free-floating anger, the afflicted individual never far from seeing red, i.e. losing his/her temper.
Schoolkid #1: "Uh-oh, Mr Lee looks like he's seeing red!"

Schoolkid #2: "Meh... that old bastard is permanently seeing pink, don't take much to set him off..."
by Andy Sword May 20, 2011
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Deserving an Academy Award. Obviously can apply to a Hollywood movie performance; but more fun when attributed to everyday malingering.
I was supposed to work this entire weekend, but I made an Oscarworthy job of convincing the boss that I'm suffering from exhaustion!
by Andy Sword January 10, 2009
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A metaphysical window to something or somewhere wonderful or wondrous. The sort of thing you might find described in supernatural themed novels or in the conversation of stoners.
I dunno what the hell ya dropped in my drink, but I floated through a wondow and didn't wanna come back!
by Andy Sword November 5, 2010
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Derogatory rhyming slang for a dark-skinned non-caucasian, especially those of African or Subcontinental Indian descent.

Feargal Sharkey is an Irish pop singer who found fame in the '70s and '80s.
That Beyonce Knowles is a bit of alright for a Feargal-Sharkey, ain't she, eh!?
by Andy Sword January 7, 2009
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