11 definitions by An0nny442

A nigga with the power to drop every single girl he dates due to his ultra mega super excellent dick condition where it gets a mind of his own and forces him to not look at women for fear of it kicking in. People of any racial background can be a J'Nigga, but it is rare as they usually cannot develop a big enough schlong to be one officially, so instead, they're just dickheads.

If you talk shit about a J'nigga, he is going to assert his dominance in ways never deemed possible.
Matthew: Man Jerome is such a J'Nigga, you hear he ghosted Evelyn and Beatrice all in the same row?

Edward: Right? He should become gay already!- Not for any... particular reason...

Jerome: I'm going to fit a metal shaft up both of you guys' asses, I told you my dick makes me do things I can't control, ableist.
by An0nny442 March 18, 2023
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A shitty-ass comeback that doesn't even make sense but could potentially be pulled off if someone calls you retarded and the crowd is retarded enough to accept it.

Justin: Why yes, I am just simply formally regarded.
by An0nny442 March 18, 2023
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An alternative to saying "huh??", "que?", or "wha?", etc.
Federal Agent: You have been found guilty of laundering $300,000 of methamphetamine money, Mark. You are going to jail for a really long time. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.

John: Guh??
by An0nny442 March 18, 2023
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1. The feeling when you are confused while also extremely puzzled about what is going on and not knowing at all what to do.

2. When your emotions are all over the place and you have no idea what you truly feel.

Usually independently made up by a random middle school boy boosting his ego and feeling proud about himself "coming up with a new word."
Josh was confuzzled about what to feel when his friend Sarah supposedly cheated on his best friend Terrance, but also somehow continued to like her at the same time and not knowing the full story of what exactly occurred.
by An0nny442 March 18, 2023
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