23 definitions by Ami

A plural of homie, meaning a group of frinds or members of a gang.
"I'm the G all ma homiez wanna be like"
"Ma homiez is down so don't arouse ma anger, fool"
by Ami July 19, 2003
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ManChick-Man who can throw on a wig and Heels and look like a Chick
ChickMan-Chick who looks like a Man
"That is one ugly ManChick"
by Ami January 21, 2004
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Person 1: Did ya eat yet?
Person 2: No, you?
Person 1: Aah-ite
by Ami February 10, 2005
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a sound made by the legendary creature, the mooha
by Ami July 7, 2003
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Someone who only likes a band beause they think one or more of the members is good-looking. These are very unpopular among hardcore fans.
"Wow, Billy from Good Charlotte is sooooo fit!"
"Ugh, you teenie!"
by Ami July 17, 2003
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your a nosher
you give nosh
gimmie sum nosh
by Ami November 21, 2004
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Another way to say someone gives "head"
"i heared that chick gives some nice wobbles"
by Ami March 4, 2003
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