7 definitions by AmNow


A salometer is a unit of measuring how much salami is in 1 meter.
A salometer was made by the YouTuber Flamingo.
Hey that area has 1 salometer!
by AmNow December 24, 2020
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A word an AI used in Mumbo Jumbo’s video when Mumbo tried to get said AI to generate redstone ideas.

3. Nonexistent.
the_puzzleax is a REDACTED.
by AmNow March 4, 2021
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person: hey did you know that it’s 11:59:82747813PM Dec 31, 2020?
person 2: it’s W H A T ? !
by AmNow January 7, 2022
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Every prime day of the year is National Girls Always Say Yes (sorry girls)
by AmNow December 3, 2020
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Walmart Bag

The three genders: Male, Female, and Walmart Bag.
by AmNow August 8, 2023
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But it’s 11:59!
*breaks door with truck*
Are you CRAZY!?
“Someone ordered a package for same-day delivery!”
by AmNow December 24, 2020
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A esolang is a programming language that doesn’t look like a programming language.
(Insert example here that includes the word “esolang”)
by AmNow December 2, 2020
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