40 definitions by Alhadis

Despite being one of the funniest writers alive, and having a nearly unsurpassed level of creative genius, this man is *still* largely underrated as one of England's most brilliant writers, with writers like J.K. Rowling walking away with the most fame and recognition for books that are, in comparison to the Discworld novels, overrated piles of crap. There's nothing in Terry Pratchett's works that could make me keep a straight face- EVER, and each novel is utterly hilarious in a well-worded, balanced fashion that conveys a distinctive style of British humour that's become Terry Pratchett's style. The man might be coming along in his years, but he's shown NO signs of slowing down over the years... hilarious, creative, witty, and able to write novels that're both clever and compelling without overdoing humour or storyline. That's the true essence of Pratchett's genius; not just being funny, but keeping readers involved in the book rather then the jokes alone.

Pick up one of his novels and give yourself a laugh. If you find yourself reading through at least a single chapter and can't laugh at least ONCE, you're in need of some serious psychological assistance.
"Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set fire to the man and he's warm for the rest of his life." ~ Jingo, another of Terry Pratchett's more well-known novels.
by Alhadis January 25, 2006
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A way for people to graphically communicate thoughts and everyday experiences, while often having no graphical ability of their own.

Typically assumes the form of a 4-pane comic with badly drawn MS-paint characters to represent one's own response.

Commonly distributed through Reddit, Tumblr, 4chan and similar mediums.
Typical rage comic illustrating an everyday inconvenience:
1. Clueless face depicting stick figure with iPod, listening to music
2. Panic face as cable is caught on random object
3. Annoyed face as headphones come lose
4. Cliché "FUCK YOU!" (a.k.a, "FUUUU") face, one of the most popular and easily recognised expressions in rage comics; and presumably the origin of the name.
by Alhadis December 1, 2011
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An awesome underground heavy metal band hailing from Sweden, formed by Fredrik Nordström in 1999 in an attempt to establish the old-school feel of melodic power metal. Since releasing their first album, Dream Evil have developed a style that's been loosely inspired by HammerFall, as well as minor influences from Dio and Helloween. Many people dismiss Dream Evil for their blatantly over-the-top, "try too hard to be cool" nature. These sorts of people completely forget that Dream Evil are like this; they have senses of humour, they don't take themselves seriously, and don't mind poking fun at themselves and the metal genre by going over-the-top in both dress and style. The thing is that Dream Evil still manage to be cool while being "cheesy and overdone" (as many narrow-minded critics call them).

They're not exactly the most famous and well-known of Sweden's metal bands, but they don't have to be. Dream Evil aren't after attaining fame, they're about the sheer, thundering power of heavy metal... in which they succeed in spades. The band includes Niklas Isfeldt (vocals), Fredrik Nordström as the group's rhythmic guitarist, Mark U. Black (who replaced the band's former member Gus G., who originally left to pursue other projects), Peter Stalfors on bass guitar, and Sweden's drumming legend Snowy Shaw (who's played with practically every goddamned Scandinavian band under the sun).

Interestingly enough, Dream Evil's members are Christian, but they keep their faith separate from their music (with the possible exception of "Heavy Metal Jesus", which tipped many listeners off to their religious nature). Dream Evil aren't the preachy, pious-type of Christian band, which proves that Christians can play heavy metal like everybody else without having their lyrics riddled with bible passages (of which Christian metal, or "white metal", genre is condemned for by agnostic metalheads).

Dream Evil's official site can be found at: http://www.dreamevil.se/index.html It's updated very infrequently, but the site has a pretty big gallery of their concert photos to make up for it. Their member profiles are also very comprehensive without being too boring or lengthy.
"I'd sign a contract with the devil...
I've tried for so very long...
I'd die to become immortal...
That's why I sing this song.
Am I wannabe? Have I dignity?
I'd give up my all my life to be...
by Alhadis June 9, 2005
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Dutch slang referring to the usual chav/script-kiddie style of writing over IRC or MSN in distorted upper/lower-case (e.g., "cHeCK iT oUt i cAnT uSE a kEyBoARD cuz iM kOoL"). While the word is generally used in Holland, the actual writing "style" is to be encountered by IM-users anywhere around the world... generally because mindless chevs or ditzy 14-year old girls think it's "cool" to write sentences that make a reader's eyes bleed.
MSN user name #1: "iF yOU wAnT mE, cOMe aND gEt mE"
MSN user name #2: "i lUV jArED hes mY bOYfrIEND"
Insane Dutch reader: "Man, that's IT! I can't take anymore of this Breezertaal!"
by Alhadis June 12, 2005
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1) A type of wading, marsh-dwelling, long-legged bird
2) A machine utilised by builders as construction equipment, to shift heavy loads, materials, or supplies
3) (informal) An exceptionally attractive member of the opposite sex, typically a female.
1) Wow, check out the legs on those cranes!
2) This crane's getting old... I'm not sure if it's gonna withstand the rust any longer.
3) Wow! Check out the legs on those cranes!
by Alhadis June 29, 2004
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