175 definitions by Alex Quantashassle

A merging of the two terms 'barstard' and 'arsehole'. If someone calls you a barstardhole, then you got em so angry that they're stammering.
"You liar, you-you-you... barstardhole!"
by Alex Quantashassle February 12, 2005
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The Australian alternative to chavs. Self-important little twits who listen to bands like Limp Biskit and Papa Roach because they think they're hardcore. Try to go out on dates because they're trying to act all adult, but it all ends s of poorly because their middle-class parents, after giving them lot money, notice that their 8-12 yearold kids are too young and put an immediate stop to it.
Bogan youth are the offspring of dumb christian yuppies however, not bogans. The offspring of bogans are little shits.
The little kids in homie clothing huddling together in groups around the gun games in Timezone are a good example of the bogan youth.
by Alex Quantashassle June 1, 2005
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Noun. A baby, child. (Northern & Midlands use. Dialect)
"Overt your eyes, children. I am going to feed the babby!"
by Alex Quantashassle April 15, 2005
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"I believe this Sir John you're talking about is a pillowman!"
"Sir! Thou ought to watch thou mouth when talking about thy friends!"
by Alex Quantashassle June 25, 2005
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Noun. A pillion ride on a bicycle.

British in origin. Very dangerous, don't let your kids do it.
"Were you boys doing backies on David's bike?!"
"No mum, I swear!..... did you say 'bike' or 'dyke'?"
by Alex Quantashassle August 1, 2005
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Another word for 'cool'. Used mostly by juvenile 10-13 yearold males in their Blink-182-filled desire to create their own language.
"Dude, like totally look at the I-Pod my mum gave me!"

by Alex Quantashassle April 20, 2005
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Another word for a high school english teacher, or a university humanties professor. Used commonly amongst politcians, in order to segment them as a minority group.
John Howard: "I'm rather - acquainted with the - literaries at the - University of - Canberra."

Kim Beazely: "I sincerely doubt that, prime minister, as there is no longer a University of Canberra since you proposed the bill in question last month!"

John Howard: "......."

Kim Beazely: "I'm sorry prime minister? What was that?"

John Howard: "......this man is - trying to corrupt me!"

Kim Beazely: "Oh, god!"
by Alex Quantashassle June 1, 2005
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