4 definitions by Addison Manginamin

When one is put down to the point of ultimate embarassment/rock bottom feeling. Usually once one gets "sult up," they get very quiet and make no eye contact with anyone.
Grady: "Blake if you don't get back to work I'll put a pop knot on your head big enough to high center a jeep!"
Blake: (while turning around to desk) "SULT"
by Addison Manginamin June 19, 2015
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A band from Northwest Arkansas who sings performs skint country songs across the state in a variety of skint venues. Please see Skint Dick.
Tripp: Hey Jay, have you heard that new Backroad Anthem song?
Jay: Yeah man, its so SKINT!
by Addison Manginamin June 19, 2015
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A person, usually from a city who shaves their pubic hair.
Hey Addison, did that Skint Dick just shoot a decoy?
by Addison Manginamin April 17, 2015
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A person, usually from a city who shaves their pubic hair.
I think that Skint Dick shot the damn decoys!
by Addison Manginamin April 17, 2015
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