2 definitions by Adam H Johnson

Any highly speculative, masturbatory 'debate' that's contingent upon a number of non-linear factors and goes in circles by virtue of its lack of focus or concrete resolution. More often than not an excuse for both sides to simply show off esoteric knowledge of a subject without any real interest in getting anywhere. See: 99% of Sports talk radio.
These two clowns on MSNBC were trying to read the tea leaves of Obama's Syria strategy but it soon degenerated into Sports Talk Radio because neither one of them had any new information or insight.
by Adam H Johnson February 22, 2015
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An ironic reference to ABC college football's "Pontiac Game Changing Performance". A fundamental shift in the status quo; a significant beat change that affects the perception of or outcome of an event. Also serves as a tongue and cheek commentary on our culture's reliance on corporate sponsorship for any and every little thing.
I didn't think Rebecca was into me, but then at 2 am last night she texted me to come over and smoke pot. It was, to say the least, a real pontiac game changer.
by Adam H Johnson January 13, 2009
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