4 definitions by APersonWhoMightBeInsane

If you get rejected from this art school, avoid a political career. Keep trying in art. Please.
Don't get rejected from The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna!
by APersonWhoMightBeInsane June 22, 2021
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Nickname for cocktail sauce. Cock = Dick, tail = ass.
man: Can't wait for some cocktail dip!
tuxedo winnie the pooh: Uhm, actually, it's Dickass Sauce.
man: Why the fuck is a bear with a tuxedo in my home?
by APersonWhoMightBeInsane September 14, 2020
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The top letter of the alphabet. That's it. Why are you looking this up if you know well enough how to type?
Man: A
Woman: Why did you just randomly say A?
by APersonWhoMightBeInsane September 15, 2020
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