15 definitions by A SvddenZaz Account

The unit of measurement used to determine how long it has been since someone (typically you or whoever you are talking to) busted a nut to zombie porn. One Zay is equivalent to the run time of Kyoto by Skrillex multiplied by 26.83.
My longest streak is only 22 Zays, I really need to work on myself.
by A SvddenZaz Account December 29, 2022
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All of my posts are Unknownurban posts :(
by A SvddenZaz Account December 29, 2022
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A type of gay orgy where everyone participating is roleplaying Michaelangelo from TMNT. Orange is typically painted around the eyes of each participant either before or during the Cowabunga Cockfest, but not all of these events do this.
Person A: I went to a Cowabunga Cockfest yesterday. Person B: Sir, this is a Bass Pro Shops.
by A SvddenZaz Account December 29, 2022
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I'm not a Procrastinator, I just don't want to do that right now
by A SvddenZaz Account December 29, 2022
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A belief that centers around all Politicians, Dictators, Presidents, etc. should be replaced with Dubstep artists.
Yeah, I believe in Dubstep Supremacy, why do you ask? Just not Terravita, though, their mixing is ass.
by A SvddenZaz Account December 29, 2022
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The winner of inanimate object hide and seek for way too long
There are NERF Darts that have more than likely been hiding under your bed since 2008
by A SvddenZaz Account December 31, 2022
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"FUCKING SHIT MOTHERFUCKER!" - most people after spending 8 seconds on a Razor Brand Scooter and immediately injuring themself
by A SvddenZaz Account December 31, 2022
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