6 definitions by 3plus3equal6

It is a song performed by a band called "The Fray", it is a very touching song for a lot of people it can make you feel happy,sad,miserable,inspiring...
I was listening to how to save a life and it made me feel sad...
by 3plus3equal6 March 11, 2008
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I don't have a job, so I go to the nearest shopping center and freeload off of people
by 3plus3equal6 February 25, 2008
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The greatest band ever to walk earth.
Run from the pigs, the fuzz, the cops, the heat
Pass me your gloves, theres crime and its never complete
Until you snort it up or shoot it down
Youre never gonna feel free - Pavement lyrics
by 3plus3equal6 August 7, 2007
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Person: You're such a George w Bush!!!
Person 2: huh???
Person: You're an idiot!!
Person 2: oh
by 3plus3equal6 August 7, 2007
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