5 definitions by Zacharaius R. McGuggenheimis

A name fans of the Fox program Fringe often use when referring to themselves. The name is derived from a fictional substance, Cortexiphan, which appears in the series.
"I feel like such a bad cortexifan when I can't spot Observers in Fringe'
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something completely useless and/or impractical that provides immense amounts of happiness and amusement despite its lack of purpose
Even though I new the glow-in-the-dark toaster wasn't what he wanted for Christmas, it was just too funnecessary for me to resist buying him.
by Zacharaius R. McGuggenheimis February 20, 2009
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The world's best, and currently only audio newspaper for a visual. Hosted by John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman, this weekly satire-filled podcast is known for it's humorous segments (especially Hotties From History).
Last week on The Bugle, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing as Andy Zaltman discussed the world economy.
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One who fears fear itself.
During World War II, F.D.R. inspired America to become a legion of phobophobes.
by Zacharaius R. McGuggenheimis February 20, 2009
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A contraction of "flamboyant" and "buoyancy" used to described a body's tendency to float as a result of one's vivid or over-the-top mannerisms and swim apparel.
The swimmer's sequin-clad swin-suit greatly increased his flambuoyancy.
by Zacharaius R. McGuggenheimis February 20, 2009
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