44 definitions by Your name

Music Television.
Turned to crap, pure crap.
girl: MTV is soo cool.
by Your name February 22, 2004
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Only keeps its viewers because of Jackass. Only good show is Jackass. Disappointing channel that has such a cool show called Jackass.
Dammit Jackass shouldnt have to suffer being on a shitty channel such as MTV, it should be on Comedy Central or something.....but oh wait, the two channels DID have a bidding war for the show, and dammit MTV won.......because it was desperate for viewers, so then here came the greatest show.....JACKASS!!! Moral of story??? I don't want my MTV, but I want my Jackass! And the MTV bastards cancelled 3-South, ANOTHER good show. MTV sucks ass.
by Your name May 26, 2003
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A KICK ASS rock four-some from the UK. VOCALS/GUITAR: Pete Doherty(sometimes) VOCALS/GUITAR: Carl Barat
DRUMMER: Some kick ass black dude BASSIST: Some guy with sharp cheekbone structure.
The Libertines kick ass yo!
by Your name October 9, 2004
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A little gay guy from romania,
the kind who kisses everyonde's ass, a real cock sucker.
allso known as: bursugay, bursucel, poponel, ciorba, cbr
famous quotes from Cobra:
"hai gabi, nu bagi botu si tu la savarina?"
by Your name February 14, 2005
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1. an uncircumsised penis
2. a red faced goon
3. dirty shmegma infested thing, gross gross dirty
1. that boy is gross he has a corba
2. sam has a cobra , that sux man
3. your cobra smells gross get away from me
4. Only ugly girls liek cobras (mugly)
by Your name February 23, 2004
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synonomous with butthead but nicer.. sounding anyway.... tailored for smaller ears.
In earshot of a toddler??? yell SMUTTHEAD!! in traffic instead. mix well with evil looks that do not draw attention to you.
by Your name July 27, 2003
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