13 definitions by TOAST

Cumsoft is the action in which one ejaculates, while soft/flaccid. The past tense of this word is camesoft, which is how it is usually used. It is extremely difficult to pull off, and has only been mastered by a selected few. One one master the act of cumsoft they transform into the holy entity of pleasure.

part of speech: verb
"Last night I got a snap from Marty and immediately camesoft": past tense

"As soon as I get the chance to see Richie I'm going to cumsoft": future tense
by TOAST August 28, 2019
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synonym of pop and lock only a lot cooler.
Everybody who is anybody can pop-lock their way out of a dance-off challenge
by TOAST December 26, 2005
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A guitar god from the late 60's/70's, not especially popular with today's kids but easily owns Hendrix/Clapton/Page when it comes to playing skill. He still plays live shows and kicks ass at ~50 years old.
"What does it take to play guitar with your teeth? It takes a complete idiot." - nugent in an interview
by TOAST June 29, 2004
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it is a life a crime in someplaces and a passion
you cant say you are a real skater unless you sweat bleed and live for the sport
"sk8er 4 life"
by TOAST April 1, 2003
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Paraphrased from an Ice Cube song. Means with great speed, really deperatley.
I need a pee like raindance

I need some loving like raindance
by TOAST August 27, 2003
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One surrounded by a holy aura of toast.
The ToastProphet ate some toast, which was... good... and... toastiness.
by TOAST July 22, 2004
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Pronounced "ChooFaFoo", and usually directed towards a female with too much fat and excessively tight club-clothes. Usually hideously unattractive. See Also "She-Beast", "Trugatha" and your mother!
1. I'm going after that cute girl, you play wingman and distract her ChuFaFu friend.
2. I'm never going to that bar again. It was loaded with ChuFaFu.
3. Alex was so horny, he got loaded on Malt Liquor and went trolling for ChuFaFu.
by TOAST September 3, 2005
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