6 definitions by Nevets

adj.- Someone that acts like a tolal douche.
by Nevets May 13, 2004
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Getting beat up, or jumped, by a group of niggers.
After Joe made a racist joke at KFC, he soon drew a crowd and was blacked up on the spot. His friends claimed they never knew Joe in order to avoid being blacked up.
by Nevets November 16, 2007
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im going to skidaddle that girl when she comes here on saturday
by Nevets January 13, 2005
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That P4 is only 1.2 GHz? How do you get anything done on that obsolete pile?
by Nevets February 10, 2005
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A trashy red neck who frequents the beach, most notably the Gulf Coast. Typically identified by bud light, cornhole boards, country music, and a sunburn.
Florida beaches are nice, but they're ruined by all these damn sand neckers.
by Nevets August 14, 2017
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Eric Cartmans cat from South Park.
Seems to allways be in heat.
"No Kittie this is my pot pie... NO KITTIE THIS MY POT PIE! Bad kittie!
Mom Kittie's being a dildo.
(Ms. Cartman) I know a certain kittie kittie who's sleeping with mommy tonight.
by Nevets May 13, 2004
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