6 definitions by 🥵🔥Frat boy Harry 🔥🥵

When you see someone that you don’t know if they are a girl or a boy.they don’t got tits they don’t Got nipples ,they got nipplitits
Dannnggggg look that persons nipplitit
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Stands for Harry styles addict for people who absolutely adore him
I’m an HSA
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It’s not sexist but when someone looks at something and says that’s for girls/boys
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When your at that age were sexy just sounds “inappropriate “ to say so you say smexy insted
Dude he is so smexy 😂
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When you have two best friends but one is above the other by a little bit.the one above is your fooful,the one under is your best friend
Bro your my best friend ,but she,is my fooful
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