5 definitions by [X]treme

street fight

Usually a one on one fight where anything goes you can use any type of fighting style whether it is a martial art or just plain boxing and wrestling. You can use knives,samurai swords,bats,beer bottles,etc anything you can get your hands on. The fight usually ends if someone dies,gives up or just passes out.
One of my buddies was in a street fight and kicked the guys ass. He slapped the guys hat off and then when the guy tryed to pick it up, my buddy kicked him rite in the face knocking him out in one blow.
by [X]treme May 15, 2005
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A person who originates from the Philippines. The most respectful and respected asians in the world. They dont take shit from no1!!!
Don't talk shit about that filipino or he'll kick ure sorry ass.

by [X]treme May 15, 2005
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East Side Brotherhood. One of the small gangs in Richmond consisting of a few Canadians, filipinos and other asians
ESB is a small group of asians that get in tones of trouble with the cops.
by [X]treme May 15, 2005
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RN Rascals Nation formerly known as TC is one of the most dangerous gangs in all of Vancouver, Britsh Columbia
I hope that RN doesn't come by my neighborhood.
by [X]treme May 15, 2005
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A slang word for cigarette. Usually used by asian gangs.
Yo crack head do you have an extra butti to give?
by [X]treme May 15, 2005
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