44 definitions by ??

WTF, is that a w/b or a w/6???
by ?? March 9, 2005
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mi beautifull sexc buff boom ting
es changd ma life round we dnt gt as much time as we wnt 2 alone tho so evrytime we do its special
bredrin1''yo i hear she still all luvd up wit cal''
bredrin2'' yup nd es da same''
by ?? May 22, 2004
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= oh my god! its short term! which like every1 nos! so y would u wanna look it up??? REATARDS!!!!!
' omg i cant belive ppl dont no wot it means '
by ?? August 11, 2004
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Byron: I'm going out with Deavonee.
Jonny: Oh piss on yourself.
Byron: She's the hottest girl in 6th grade.
Byron: You wanna fight?
Jonny:*Kills Byron*
by ?? February 1, 2003
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To have one or both testicles adhere to the side of your leg.
After I worked up a good sweat, I had a serious squaggin problem.
by ?? November 1, 2004
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nav hayre
by ?? March 13, 2003
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