22 definitions by $e9a

More awesome than awesome
Person1: I just had an 8-some!!!! xDxD

Person2: Fuckin' eh!
by $e9a June 2, 2009
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When calling someone a D-bag isn't enough and you don't have a lot of time, call someone a Triple D-bag. It stands for Dick-Dirt-Douche-Bag.
Person1: Lawl at you and your broken arm.
Person2: You're a Triple D-bag, you know that?
by $e9a June 19, 2009
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A very specialized emoticon, which means 'i heard you fucking some dude through my bedroom wall last night and so i listened intently"
Person1: i just got laid xD
Person2: 69 |D_O
Person1: Im not suprised that you heard it, AND listened
by $e9a May 29, 2009
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Person: There's so much room in here! I can do some stretching in here all day...
by $e9a May 21, 2009
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When a person is looking to get into a relationship, and thinks that everyone with an interest in them could be their prince/princess charming. Someone with a Cinderella complex is said to have terrible luck with relationships (which are usually ended by the complexed person). In search of the perfect fairy tale ending, anyone with signs of interest becomes a potential suitor. The use of the brain is severly diminished.
person 1: why'd they break up?
person 2: well, she realized nick wasnt right for her. she dove into it too soon.
person 1: well, i couldve told you that BEFORE they started.
person 2: well, how about YOU try stomping on a girl's potential fairy tale. try it. i dare you.
person 1: damn that cinderella complex!!
by $e9a August 20, 2009
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When an editor is in a bad mood (or just feels like being a D-bag) they repeatedly deny definitions they are confronted with.
Person1: Deny, deny, deny....hahaaha
Person2: why the denial spam?
by $e9a December 5, 2009
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