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the result of your mum trying to take a selfie and not knowing which way to hold the phone.
Stop sending a someoneelsie I have no idea who that person is.
by ThereIsMore May 26, 2014
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An even more manly version of a BBQ. Absolutely no vegetables allowed. It basically consists of a lot of beer and meat. There is usually a lot of yelling and loud music involved.
Person #1: I've got a great idea, I've got a lot of meat and beer ...
Person #2: I see where you are going with this
Everyone (shouting): Manbecue, manbecue, manbecue!
by Grillmeister April 17, 2014
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When you eat something that causes you to make pleasurable sounds out loud, exactly like the ones that you make when you have a orgasm.
"Oh my god, mmmmm, Oh my god, mmmmm, oh fuck".

"Are you ok"?

"Yeah. I think I just had a mouthgasm though".
by Made you look June 19, 2014
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To vomit in your sleep unexpectedly, usually due to the over-consumption of alcoholic beverages
Dude, i woke up last night to my roommate slumber chundering on our dog
by technicolor jan June 22, 2014
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This maneuver is often performed in crowded bars. The passer touches a person to let them know he needs to get through but allows his hand to linger longer than necessary. Often used as a subtle way to flirt.
Girl 1: I don't think he's interested in you.
Girl 2: But he just gave me a Parisian pass on his way to the bar...
Girl 1: Looks like you've found your guy for the night!
by alfredokid June 21, 2014
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When you replace the water with Red-bull when brewing a coffee. Then drop in a bottle of 5 hour energy and a shot of vodka, and a sprinkle of cocaine.
Tommy woke up and made a college coffee to get to his 8am class.
by † Noobles † June 19, 2014
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