"Jumping jack" as pronounced by Mexican laborers who don't speak good English. A jumping jack is a hand operated piece of equipment that compacts soil at a construction site.
Boss said to use the yumping yack on dees dirt over here
by bumbleclot June 11, 2009
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A way to pronounce the word "jump" (from Spanish) in video games.
Dude, yump over the mushroom to save the princess.
by Ereck Flowers August 16, 2018
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The word "yump" means to jump while eating food. the y coming from "yum" and the ump coming from "jump".
jimmy needed to get on top of the short brick wall, but he was eating. he decided to yump.
by tortillaeater September 24, 2022
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Clearly faking approval. Yikes. Equivalent of "...totally"
Jack: "Yo Jill whatchu doin later"
Jill: "I'll never snitch on daddy"
Jack: ...
Jill: "I'll hold a brick for you, daddy"
Jack: "Aight that's a yumps see you later"
by jellyfith October 5, 2020
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A man who claims he is straight but secretly likes wet anal intercourse with his homies
Jeff: hey you promise you’re straight right?
Bronson: Yumps!
by Mike Oxmal The 3rd November 8, 2021
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yass, cunt, and camp combined
you look so yump today
i'm having a yump time
by bitchchhchehdhjdjdnc March 5, 2023
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When you do an action that causes a huge reaction.
"Dude, I'm gonna hit the yump on its tail!"
by RedBoiVA May 29, 2022
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