the situation whereby a commitment-phobic couple choose to be in a relationship but to retain their own living-space and separate lives. Despite it's transient implications, this type of relationship can be very successful, especially among older, divorced couples.
Matt and Bev are a live-out couple.
by technobev January 4, 2012
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Being yourself, genuine, open, trustworthy, with sass, spice and flare. Living on purpose, loving others and yourself, living passionately for your values, no matter what. Letting others see your light shine, and not being scared to be different or worry about others opinions of you. Living a life you're excited about, with purpose on your terms. Inspiring others to do the same.
by fyi.grace June 3, 2017
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When you first get your laundry back from the wash, and it is in a basket. You are too lazy to put the laundry away so you keep it in the basket. Whenever you need a shirt or something you take it directly from the basket.
Dude you gotta stop living out of the basket, and put ur stuff away!
by classicrocklover April 8, 2011
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Saying what is on your mind, regardless of consequences.
Jane spent the night in jail because she told the cops exactly what she thought of them. Sometimes living out loud has its dark side.
by dangersnax February 19, 2016
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The process by which a man or a woman makes it publicly known that they are living an openly gay lifestyle.
Jim was in the closet, until he started living out loud.
by xlockex July 22, 2012
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A ) making use of all materials required for basic survival

B) living on a shoe-string budget
Start living the American dream by living out of a suitcase definition b) if you don't want to accumulate a lot of debt early on.
by Sexydimma April 22, 2017
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A ) making use of all materials required for basic survival

B) living on a shoe-string budget
Start living the American dream by living out of a suitcase definition b) if you don't want to accumulate a lot of debt early on.
by Sexydimma June 5, 2021
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