When an event happens in an unbelievable comical way, almost to the point it feels unreal that it happened that way.
I found a cute possum outside and went to take a photo. But as I headed outside, I fell down a single step and infomercialed my ankle.
by CoolrUrban February 13, 2019
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How wordactors down on their luck/word make money. Origin: Contractions of the words informational and commercial. Interestingly enough is neither informational, nor commercial.
And if you call in right now, we'll throw in this remarkable mock-leather carrying case, absolutely free of charge!
by Vampiro September 5, 2003
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a 30 minute commercial you watch at 6:30 in the morning that somehow is addicting and makes you not want to change the channel
i have to watch this windsor pilates infomercial because it's.... uhhhhrrrr.... (stares at screen as if posessed)
by andie September 20, 2003
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A 30 minute commercial disguised as something newsworthy or groundbreaking.
Buying a ginsu knife will somehow make me a better cook!
by Anonymous September 9, 2003
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A show that comes on around midnight or so to advertise a useless product. It lasts about 28-30 minutes with cheesy and over-the-top acting. Most of the time, you watch it when you can't get any sleep and you're too tired to know any better. In this state, you're convinced that you're in desperate need of a small step ladder with an mp3 player and bluetooth capabilities.
That infomercial convinced me that I need a shower radio that can also dice tomatoes. I think I wasted that $150.00.
by Tekkenfreek234 March 14, 2009
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Show lasting 28:30 minutes attempting to sell a particular product on television. Most infomercials air in the overnight time periods, but do run all hours of day.
Wow, check out my new micro-midget! Martha Stewart was the spokeswoman in the infomercial promoting midget tossing.
by Luigi March 24, 2004
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The stupid long ass commericals that only morons buy from.
"marks an idiot so he buys stuff from infomercials"
by kim October 16, 2003
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