When the penis is actually sucked all the way inside the body and looks like the package of a k-9
Holly shit! That water in lake Huron is so fucking cold I just scored a major case of dog dick.
by bastubes November 15, 2007
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1. "I'm glad that I'm cut. Dog dick looks fuckin nasty."

2. "Haha, look at that dog. He's got a dog dick."
"No shit Sherlock...."
by What the shit? October 3, 2008
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another term for the Spartan Laser from Halo 3. The laser has a red color, and thusly is like a "red rocket" or a dog dick.
quick go get the dog dick before the blue team can get it.

Oh shit, i hear the dog dick
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Lipstick ๐Ÿ’„
Why are you rubbing those dog dicks on you Becky?
by Lipstick ๐Ÿ’„ November 29, 2020
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Lipstick ๐Ÿ’„
Why are you rubbing that dog dick on your face Becky?
by Lipstick ๐Ÿ’„ November 29, 2020
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n. a cigarette which has had the life sucked out out of it. Like when you drag too hard and too fast and you leave a mangled stump of ash. It looks and smokes like shit. It usually happens when one of your greedy mates bums a drag off you at a club.
He took his cigarette back and looked at it, appalled. What the hell had happened to it in the last minute and a half since it had been out of his sight? Someone has sucked on it too hard and now it's all burned down around the outside, leaving a disgusting stump of ragged ash where his cigarette used to be. He turned to his friend. "Thanks for that."
"What do you mean?" his friend asked innocently.
He pushed the cigarette in his friend's face. "Look at this. Dog dick!"
"Sorry about that."
"Why don't you just give up, it would be cheaper for both us."
by lewislama September 23, 2006
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When you have to take a shit so bad that the tip of the terd slowly makes it's way out of your anus and quickly goes back inside. (The same way a dog's penis moves when it becomes erect).
Damn yo, I hada take a shit so bad I had a bad case of dog dick.
by miggelzworth October 21, 2010
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