Cocaine - as used by the rap group Clipse in the song "Hello New World".
Baggin' up grams at the Hyatt though. The news called it crack, I called it Diet Coke.
by TheManHere June 8, 2007
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A drink with no nutritional value but apparently some people like how it tastes. Water seems like a much better substitute for diet coke or diet anything for that matter.
Drive-thru attendant: "Would you like a drink with that?"

Dude 1: "How much is a drink - a diet coke?"

Attendant: "It's 1.29."

Dude 2(in car too): "Dude, ask for water and see if they charge."

Dude 1: "Ummm.. how much do you charge for a small cup of water."

Attendant: "It's free."

Dude 2: "Get that, and one for me too. After all, aren't we saving up for our future rides hopefully?"

Dude 1: "Word." *To attendant*: "Water it is then. We'll have the H two O sweetie."

Dude 2: "Good deal man."
by Adel7 September 11, 2007
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A bastardised decaffinated and low joule version of the best soft drink in the universe.

Can also be used as an insult:
"You are the diet coke of evil" - Mike Myers, Austin Powers.

"You diet coke sir, taste like ass"
by Lucifer February 27, 2005
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The nastiest stuff that ever appeared in the universe.... just get a Mt. Dew
after trying to tolerate a single 8 oz can of this flavorless syrup he gave up and went back to his Mt. Dew
by Brad Dabbs July 23, 2005
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Imitation Coca-cola that has no sugar in it. Tastes okay, but is absolutely filled to the freaking brim with all sorts of chemicals that cause CANCER. (i.e. saccharin, aspartame) I swear, the entire diet coke generation is going to DIE when they are 40 years old of cancer.
Oh, you WANT cancer? Here, have a diet coke.

mmm..... cancer.
by w00tster January 5, 2005
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I didn't feel like taking a lipper so I had some Diet Coke.
by Buck47 March 22, 2006
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One of the few soft drinks that isn't so loaded with sweeteners it resembles the shit you put in your hummingbird feeder.
"Gimme a Diet Coke. If I wanted anything else I'd chug a bag of sugar instead, it's cheaper and tastes the same."
by Duty August 11, 2004
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