
‘Slushing’ is the act of sifting through websites in order to source quality links and information to share on social bookmarking and networking sites
I’ve been up all night slushing” – “Johnny spent most of his time online slushing content”
by 3ncryptabl3 June 28, 2008
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taehyung: can you speak more slush?

jungkook: slush?

taehyung: can you speak more slowly?
by actorgguk March 29, 2018
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a female slut that also drinks too much alcohol, commonly known as a lush, or a drunk.
guy 1: I hooked up w/ that girl last night

guy 2: who hasn't? that chicks a slush
by foxxie1 June 9, 2010
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adj- to descibe something with a mass amount of swag
1.damn those oaks are slush
by call me han solo February 7, 2010
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A "slutty-lush" ...who may or may not be a lesbian who frequents mo-sex on a regular basis?
I going to live with the slush next year, but I'm afraid the apartment might reek of booze and cum.
by Dfrantz September 7, 2007
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1. When something is incredibly cool

2. Something very slushy
"That T shirt is just...slushness!"

"This slush puppy is pure slushness"
by Tris March 17, 2005
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When a woman’s pussy gets wet from being sexually aroused
Damn, Gina was so fucking slushed last night.
by Dubby119 April 6, 2019
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