3 definitions by 3ncryptabl3


‘Slushing’ is the act of sifting through websites in order to source quality links and information to share on social bookmarking and networking sites
I’ve been up all night slushing” – “Johnny spent most of his time online slushing content”
by 3ncryptabl3 June 28, 2008
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A ‘Slusher’ or Slushers' is an individual or group that spends time filtering through web content in search of quality links and information to share on social bookmarking and networking sites.
“I am a slusher, phear my mad rating skillz.” – “The slushers have been sourcing our content like crazy!”
by 3ncryptabl3 June 28, 2008
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Source Links Under Shared Headings

A social bookmarking term.
“I gota go slush some sites.” – “If you must slush, please do so responsibly.”
by 3ncryptabl3 June 28, 2008
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