Wonderful creature that is often found running around Six Flags Magic Mountain.
by Patrik April 2, 2003
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That guy looks like a XaK.

by Kevin October 29, 2003
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My friend got called 'Scriptmonkey' by the ICT technicians because of all the scripting he does. This name is actually a hacker term although my friend doesn't do that sort of stuff, the ICT technicians just accuse us of stuff we DON'T do. (Monkey = one hacker, Monkies = group of hackers)
oMG £ooK @ 7H4t 1337 M0nK3y!!
by JigsWithoutWoodstock February 10, 2005
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To be intoxicated on both alcohol and marijuana at the same time. When under this state the effects of both drugs are amplified, sometimes resulting in a total inability to move due to either relaxation of the muscles or realisation that it's just not worth the effort.
"Lets go get monkey - I got a 10s and 2 six packs"

"I was so monkey that i decided shoelaces were just not worth the effort of tying, I feel over 7 times on the way home"
by JackG. October 11, 2006
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pimple-popping freak on a very small leash. known to be rather "ticklicious." Unworthy of living with Terry G, Brad, or Gordan.
According to that girl at Icthus, Monkey Jr. is 7 inches long. Gross.
by Tricia Truthan August 21, 2003
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(n.)syn. for "me"
(v.)to sit in trees and throw your own
poop at anything that moves
(n.) Would you like to see a movie with
monkey sometime?
(v.) Remember when we used to sit in
front of the library and monkey?
(adj.)That vomitting over there is sure
turning monkey.
by Brando November 10, 2003
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