Hug whore's are more mild versions of attention whores.
To get the attention they crave, they continuosly search for hugs and ask everyone they see for a hug by opening there arms
"Ellie stop hug whoring yourself."
"James your such a hug whore"
by Mikkak September 9, 2005
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People who tend to give and receive an excessive amount of hugs daily - whether you like it or not.
Oh lawd! Breezy, Dianne and Matt are such hug whores! They're always going around the school and tackling people with their outburst of hugs!
by Dianne September 24, 2005
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A person (usually a girl) who gives and recieves excessive amounts of hugs ALL THE TIME.
Liz: "I hate walking with Angie down the hallway."

Carlos: "oh. why?"

Liz: "She makes frequent stops to give or get hugs."

Carlos: "ohh, yeah.., i always hug her, she hugs everybody."

Liz: "Yeah thats Angie, such a hug whore"
by trikkinittt December 18, 2009
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someone (usually a girl) who loves hugging. they will hug anyone, even someone they didnt know just for the attention. sometimes they will even pay for hugs
Tom: How much did she give you?
Vin: Like $5
Tom: Wow. Shes a hug whore
by VinDCayman July 26, 2009
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Someone who over excessively hugs all her(yes, it's generally a woman) friends without regard for how insignificant it makes people feel by how you don't rate them like true friends.
Hug Whore 'Hey there, gimme a hug'
Friend 'Okay :)'
*They embrace for a short while*
Hug Whore 'Okay, I'm gunna go hug another'
Friend 'Oh, okay then :/'
*Friend left standing lost and dejected*
by JustAnotherFriendInLove October 30, 2009
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someone who receives several hugs wherever, whenever, and from whomever.
by xnofy April 28, 2010
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