Automatic Boner Chick, A beautiful woman that gives you instant boner gratification.
Pat: Dude that is one fine ABC

Chris: I'm one step ahead of you buddy
by mysteryman09 June 30, 2006
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Anything But Carolina

Some sports fans despise Carolina (UNC) so much that they are willing to cheer for anyone else.

My favorite team is NC State, but when they are not playing, I'm ABC.
by absolutencst February 23, 2007
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Anybody But Clinton. An acronym (initialism) used when you don't care who wins the election as long as it's not another Clinton.
Who you voting for? ABC....anybody but Clinton.
by Willy C. February 7, 2008
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Abbreviation for Ass-Balls Connection.

1. Relating to the area between the anus and the testicles

2. Also referred to as Gooch
Guy: "I got kicked in the ABC by this jerk yesterday."

Guy 2: "The ABC? What is that?"

Guy: "You know, the fastest route from point Ass to point Balls."
by Gonzo the Machine February 5, 2008
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Is also known as the anatomically correct portion of flesh just between your Ass and Balls. Also refered to as your ABC or "Ass Ball Connector".
This can be used to ease a girl into liking her ABC's. It can go something like this. "Hell Yea, Lisa lets roll back to my crib so you can get the low on my ABC's."
by J PimPin February 6, 2006
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