Rush, bring drama or violence to.
Don't step to me, muthufucku or you get wacked.
by nokianinja October 8, 2002
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approach someone with the intention of causing trouble
i will step to that guy if he keeps looking at my girlfriend
by will December 11, 2003
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Attempting to be cool but most of the time failing.

Acting like you're someone better than you are.
"Susan step cool".
"Don't step."
by norule March 6, 2009
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verb meaning to confront, to approach (usually)
Mike: All I know is, you a two-faced punk, and yo ass need to be slapped!
John: Yo, why you ain’t just step to me like a man
by Nikki November 5, 2004
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Verb- A dance move made popular in seattle by dj view.

If you know how to step and a stepping song comes on (happy people) one must drop everything he is doing no matter where you are or who youre with, grab a breezy (must be a stranger), and do the step.
What do we do, when the DJs playin our favorite groove... we step...
by dj sukebe June 24, 2005
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