father of the chav and roadman

loves football
watches east enders
by zaif12354 February 16, 2022
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A girl who only goes out with old guys.
Sheila is a well-known geezer squeezer, who has provided many an enjoyable night for some of her fortysomething divorced male acquaintances.
by circushead March 8, 2007
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An automated medical device which provides chest compressions during CPR. It is used for patients that are in cardiac arrest (the heart has stopped). The device is typically wraps around the chest and is attached to a plastic board underneath the patient. The "geezer squeezer" makes CPR more effective and easier for ambulance crews because it reduces fatigue associated with doing chest compressions. Also known as a "Thumper".
Did you see the patient that EMS just brought into the hospital? They had the "geezer squeezer" on him. I hope he makes it.
by code 3 response October 9, 2010
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A "brexit geezer" is a British man who enjoys drinking alcohol, watching football and being at the pub. Brexit geezers are usually 35-60 years old.
The word "brexit" comes from the time where Great Britain was no longer part of Europe. They are named "brexit geezers" because they wanted Great Britain to be a separate country.
The word "geezer" is a slang word for "man."
Brexit geezers usually have typical, middle-aged, British man like: Bill, Dave, Terry, Steve etc.

Most of the time, they have a wife that's usually a "facebook mum" and his kids may be "chavs" or "roadmen."
We are going to split the average "brexit geezer" personality into two halves, pros and cons.
• Good old chap
• Always has time for a pint
• Passionate (about their favourite football team).
• Proud (of their country).
• Racist
• Homophobic
• Sleezy
• Scruffy
• Slob
• Lazy
1. Listen to the wonderful song "day in the life of a true brexit geezer"
2. Visit a local pub and try to have a deep, meaningful conversation with one
3. Google up "brexit geezer" and have a good look at their appearance
4. Google some questions about "brexit geezers" and find out more facts
by rosepetalsx September 22, 2023
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what you use to refer to a person (mostly male) as a very boring and orthodox person. someone who only does the normal thing and not anything exciting.
person 1 "hey, me and the lads are going to the strip club on Saturday and make it rain on some pretty girls with stupid names like 'boner garage'. you wanna hit it up?"

person 2 " nah. i cant, i got to study for my exam coming up or my teacher will drop me of the course so quick; i wont even have time to cry about it"

person 1 "stop being such a standard geezer and hit it up with the lads"

person 2" yeahhhh, you right. fuck biology, ill study for it later".
by TOPDONJALAL November 29, 2015
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An insult for a bad movie employing former A-list (now Z-list) celebrities, especially old male action heros, to spend only a few days acting in a movie so that it can be promoted with a known star. The movie has cheap production and very bad quality.

It's unclear whether the term refers to the the audience for such a movie (old people tricked into paying for a bad movie by a former star who only their age group would recognise), or the elderly actor cashing in on their reputation for very little effort.

The insult implies that the movie's production is a passionless cash grab, tricking an audience into paying for a movie with known actors but with minimal effort elsewhere. Such movies may have a cliché story, bad acting, bad cinematography, bad special effects, and so on, because the production was churning out movies.
Steven Seagal is in so many Geezer Teasers these days

You can skip 'Contract to Kill' it's a Seagal Geezer Teaser

I'd watch that Geezer Teaser
by holloway March 8, 2022
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noun -- used whenever an old person is impeding your progress, either on the road or on the sidewalk, when you can't easily get around and are stuck in slow motion.
"We could make better time if we could just get around this geezer jam."
by Sanderling October 1, 2006
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