the most pleasurable sexual sensation using a complex sort of erratic positions and thrusts that will satisfy you for weeks, however should be used with extreme caution. This is highly dangerous and should be held for professionals only after being taught by the polish himself. Even though its amazing, it is kills the girl 60% of the time.. but its worth it
I pulled the roman herman on my girl and, shes gone now, but i had fun.
by jack jo johnson March 23, 2009
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1. Alias of Marvel Comic's Shocker, a classic Spider-Man Villain. He has two vibro-shock gauntlets which allow him to shoot shockwaves at Spider-Man.

2. Slang term for the shocker, the classic "2 in the pink, 1 in the stink."
"How was you date last night?"

"I gave her the Herman Schultz." (makes the shocker hand jesture)

by milanodawg May 3, 2006
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A large piece of shit or large, oaken chunks of poo...essentially the same as a lincoln log or big turd...immortalized in the cartoon art of the Meatmen's "Stud Powercock" punk anthology, where the band sings about "big brown mutherfuckin' nasty hermans!"
Whoa! Who left that stinky horde of nasty hermans in the bowl?

Man, i turned around and looked down into the bowl to see what came outta me and shit, there were these nasty hermans starin' back!
by _Eleutheria March 28, 2006
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Noun. A large, protruding vagina, sometimes thrust outwards, belonging to a certain individual who likes to display said vagina in tight ballet clothing and who very much enjoys the company of Skinny Ari. Also known as AV. Very unlikley to get some.
Danny: Did you see Fat Herman today?

Monica: No, but I do love it.

Danny: But I could have sworn it was here earlier...

Monica: No, Skinny Ari has it. I think he's taking Herman to the circus, actually.
by Hymen 1 and Hymen 2 September 25, 2004
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The badass singer of a mighty Finnish glam metal band called Reckless Love. He is a really sweet, funny and humble person. Plus, he is hotter than hell. Another way to describe him is that he is like a Finnish pixie since his beauty is so enchanting. Some of his influences are Def Leppard and Van Halen, but he really likes all 80's metal bands. I hope to meet him one day because that will definitely be an amazing lifetime experience!
That Olli Herman is so talented!!

Olli's voice is amazing, listen to him wail!

Olli Herman is like no other hottie I have ever seen!
by Reckless roses March 4, 2017
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A harmless old fella, who bides his time by pottering along on his bike in a travelleresque manner. He is often seen in the town of Consett and nearby areas, riding along the road, with his telltale sign of indicating by flailing his arms about. But most of all, he can be recognized by his unique hat with a tufted duck feather pointing out the top.

All the information gathered about Herman is from rare encounters he has with the public. From public knowledge and my own experience, he spent some time in Munich before arriving to England by ship. He can be most commonly seen on the Derwent walk as he routinely rides along the eoute.

Alas, with many hero stories they have their sceptics. A rumor has arised that he isn't German but was infact born in Shotley Hospital.
I've just had to give Herman the German some change because he was trapped in Aldi.
by diggsy_malone March 21, 2022
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