to be clean. as in of criminal activities or doing drugs, etc
My family is legite, we don't grow that shit.
by xtal June 22, 2005
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The best friend the words like "Sketchy" and "bro" will ever have. Used mainly by pot-heads, surfers, and people in high school.
Dude: That's so sketchy!
Bro: Nahh its so legit bro!
by Skrodomface December 14, 2010
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A word that a lot of douchey minors use because they think they're hot shit. It means "for real" or "Straight up". It is a very annoying word, especially when used by a white person.
Jane: "Dude, that party last night was legit."
Becky: *smack SMACK!*
Jane: "What the hell?!"
Becky: "Stop acting like you're black, bitch."
by Kowabungja October 25, 2010
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Being to damn legit
There is no example cuz legitism describes itself
by SomeFatassBeingLegit February 9, 2010
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To be true, correct, or genuine. Legitimate.
Tom: "Yo dude, did you see the ass on that girl?"
Jerry: "Yeah bro, that ass was so legit."
by BrianNJ January 19, 2008
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a word that makes kids sound smart and know what they are talking about
by irish porn star August 30, 2011
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Something that is cool and down for
"That car is Legit! it has nice rims and cool interior"
by Callie March 22, 2003
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