A slang term for a person who shows a hatred for homosexuality and anything associated with it.
"I once knew this guy who would walk up to this gay couple and shout at them that homosexuality was a sin. He was such a gator!"
by Dr. RobotAndrossnik July 25, 2009
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When someone shoves a Gatorade bottle of any shape up your ass
"Dude, i so gatored him a minute ago!"
by Brock I. March 21, 2008
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The residual turd left in the toilet after flushing
After he flushed, there was a gator left in the bottom of the toilet bowl.
by Aimster4 January 24, 2010
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being comprised of the skin of an alligator. usually in reference to shoes
Ponyboy: i just got a new pair of gators
Rane: god i wish i was cool
by Ponyboy August 3, 2003
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1.) Someone who talks a lot, usually too much. From the idea that they are "all mouth"

2.) Illegally distilled and transported liquor. Moonshine. Most commonly used in extreme southern florida. Can be of any quality, from low grade "radiator poison" or "battery acid" to very high grade "rocket fuel"
1.) That fucking gator down the street has been running his mouth for too long.

2.) I'll be back in a few days, gotta haul a truckload of gator up to cigar town.
2.b) Bobby, run down to old man homer's house and get us a few jars of gator.
by Wolf89 March 12, 2008
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A term used to identify any man who desires other men within the vicinity.
"Look....over there....he's a Gator."
by Rockdog74 November 2, 2006
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to be supremely uncool and infintely lame, to be an assmunch. Describes an action or a person who is helplessly unhip and backwards and yokel. Usually used as "xxx is so gator." The opposite of gator is dawg.
Did you see that guy in those jean shorts? That is sooo gator.

by heatherhug October 6, 2006
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